I would like to take this opportunity to say farewell to the weekend. It was fun; can not claim to have gotten it all done or enjoyed; but I did manage to mastermind another laundry miracle. Herding my vestments is no small achievement and keeping them quarantined to prevent infection from spreading to other household life forms is an art form. I have this fear of used underwear mating with, perhaps, a screwdriver? Can you imagine the abomination that would result from such a union?
“Ahhh” I hear you say “But a screwdriver is not a life form.” To which I happily reply: “Have you ever gone to call on your driver of screws only to find its not where you left it?”
Methinks sentience here.
Mind you there is a hazard far more troubling than this. Some of my son’s socks have sought freedom in other basement locales. I am not sure what they do but I am almost certain they are Forming Fascist Farms with unsavory designs on creating a lifeless Conservative leader. . .Oh wait; Sorry Mr. Harper I forgot about you, but then; it does not matter what I say, you have no feelings anyway.
That though, as they say in Vanier, is another story. So once again thanks weekend for dropping by dont be a stranger call in any time.