Ottawa is a nice city‚ incredibly dull but it is nice. It’s a peaceful little hood with a very low crime rate relative to other cities this size. There are lots of museums, galleries, theaters and endless, yes I do mean an endless supply of restaurants.
Parks? well not what I would call a park, but there are little patches of grass named after local politicos farmers and deviants. There are bicycle paths, the river and across that river is Hull a place to go when we want to stay up really late at night and get pissed.
There is the canal for skating on in winter and the chateau Laurier to give our city that fairy tale romantic look. We have parkways, highways, streets, roads, drives and avenues and rinks. If we have something to celebrate mourn or whine about we all cluster around the Peace Tower and wait for a dignitary to mumble a few words then off home we go.
I have never really stopped to count us all but, altogether, there are about 900k of us that call this place home; so those that know these things say. Apparently that number is slowly increasing; so much so that some have suggested we leave the light on at night for late arrivals.
No one thinks of Ottawa when they think of Canada its always Toronto or Montreal. But read a Toronto Newspaper and its Ottawa this or Ottawa that almost like our quiet little city has a form that can be pointed at and blamed.
As I said, Ottawa is a nice city and we citizens are happy to go about our daily business regardless of the fuss and bother of other worlds.
Ya know. . .I think we might be Hobbits!