Wednesday 27 November
Their are no gods in the universe they all pissed off when they heard about the free poutine in the omega quadrant. However, they did leave behind a herd of demi gods; pimply youths in training for god’ness.
Thing is a real god would occasionally make it snow on a weekend say after groceries and mowing the cat.
Ergo it’s an adolescent god (Thinking about a snow day) that continually makes it snow when every idiot that can’t drive is on the road rushing to work because they were too human to get up earlier.
Get my drift here?
We have a dozy population lorded over by pus poisoned teenagers and all with a Tory government in office. It’s no small wonder then that I have a headache.
P.S. It does look beautiful out there…(thinking)…so one of those demi-gods must be a redheaded goddess; stands to reason right?