I have no objections to people voting for the Tories now and then. It is kind of pleasant, in a macabre sort of way, watching people flounder in self righteous buffoonery. Besides a couple of weeks under Tory rule allows us to realise just how good we have it under Liberals, NDP, Communists, Dung Heap Party or the Wild Masturbators.
However, the current gestation of Canadian Conservatism, under the secretive slight of hand employed by is masters voice The RT Hon S. Harper, we now possess an Office of Religious Freedom. An office made up of Christians, Harper of the evangelical variety, to protect Christians at home and abroad has publicly said people of no religion do not need any protection.
Before any of you short sighted wankers prate loud asinine horse shit like well at least we will get Christmas back; I will ask you to look back and ask yourself how did extremists take control of such as Germany during the 30’s and 40’s, Italy, Spain, The US and so on? Someone left the back door open and the political police were born.
Harper is too scared of the electorate to come out into the open and sing loud and clear what he really wants to do. So think about it it look around you and do the math.
Here is an illustration to help you along the way. He thinks Margaret Thatcher was a great leader: She saw Mandela as a terrorist, she fought constantly against Canada and others about imposing sanctions on South Africa. She did not want the Berlin wall torn down yet she supported Pinochet a despotic Chilean dictator, taxed the poor the middle classes and gave tax incentives to the rich.
This is the blood of a conservative a republican a fascist; something to watch with morbid fascination till finish your hot dog and come to your senses.