few months ago I was supposed to go (rain threats kept us away) to a well known haunted location not too far from where I live. Spooky sightings are almost assured, I am told, especially if supplicants beseech the spirit with urgent requests for help. Lights will appear, approach then disappear before close examination can take place.
It is said that some 100, or so, years ago a man lost his daughter in the forest on a proverbial stormy night. The lights are supposed to be his lanterns and the beseeching is supposed to represent the daughter’s cries for help.
Dozens visit this locale daily and call upon the tormented spirit to relive his worst nightmare‚ They do this for, intense curiosities sake, their own amusement or a need to satisfy gaps in their own philosophies? Either way it’s being done at the expense, if true, of the “spirits” the dearly departed.
I personally do not believe that said supplicants are witnessing a ghostly re-enactment of a long ago tragedy. It makes no sense. . .to me; because, so far I have no credible evidence for ghosts let alone ones that can be conjured at the whim of tourists.
However, does it not seem absurdly cruel and unjust of the living to torment and torture a spirit for the sake of a curious form of entertainment? If spirits do exist, should contact with them not be under license to stop all the half baked idiots from tramping round the countryside to what amounts to defiling the dead? Shouldn’t spirits have rights too, weekends and holidays and rest free of pointless and unpaid resurrections?