Sports are an excuse to continue tribalistic warfare in a modern “Civilized” society. Admittedly an encounter between two teams is not always as fatal as two ancient tribes dueling to the death yet, atavistic, I say, it is. Why else do we keep scores, why do we have championship drives at the end of each season and why do we play national anthems?
Each game is all about winning and nothing to do with athletic art. Indeed in some games it is debatable whether a player is an athlete at all. A 300 lb. giant designed to simply stop another player with brute force is one such beast.
The choreography of any sport has been lost to the corporate lust for the almighty dollar and the insane level of cheating by both players and officials. The armchair athletes that follow and support their warriors pander to it all. Each, somehow, living life on the edge via the, less than honorable, farce of wealthy men and their childish war games,Tribal Warfare.