The world is in a sad way right now simply because there is no one strong enough. . .brave enough to stand up and correct our defunct feudal system. How often have you heard the phrase the Rich get Richer and the poor get poorer? How often have you shrugged it off as ”Oh well thats life.”?
Maybe thats the way it has been for centuries in one form or another but that does not make it right. Government is not in the business of making a profit. It is there to serve the people and every so often run a deficit, if necessary, to do that.
We worry about big pharma but few of us worry about Big Business interfering in our lives and sucking the wealth out through our sphincters. We think it is kind of cute when CEO’s are paid in countless millions yet we scoff and laugh at the worker demanding a fair pay raise. The CEO and the worker are a symbiosis one works because of the other. As it is in all things, there must be a fair balance between the two for anything to work efficiently.
What about those wankers called investors their constant panic causing chaos at every turn. They do all they can to “Protect” the investment where as we have no choice but to pay at every sneeze of the butterfly.
Healthcare should be free for everyone including the rich. How should we pay for free healthcare, Free Education? Free child care, free roads and emergency services? Taxes because taxes are us looking after each other and does not say “Fuck you I am rich you can wallow in pig shit and poverty; and by the way thats my pig shit you owe me….”
If we did not have to worry about every twist and crank of the big machine; how much harder would we work to keep it that way?
North America, Canada included, is that feudal state barely functioning on old tired Victorian Morals and Ideologies. It is time to move out of the mud huts and strive for equality, true equality. Or, to be cliche, really reach for the stars this time.
Do you know anyone that has a map to those stars? I wish I did.