You have seen them all over the internet memes that proclaim the virtues of an older generation. Shit like “In my day we played in the mud and stayed out till the street lights came on. We ate sugar fat and all things nasty without getting fat because we played outside all day and played hard. We drank water from a hose and if we got into trouble with the law our parents sided with the law most likely locking the jail door themselves. No parent came to our aid in the school yard. We didn’t have video games, internet, cell phones or a politically correct language. Life was tough but we survived.” and so on ad infinitum
Aside from the fact that this is pompous arrogance the one thing everyone misses. . .those kids that survived the tough love, the uncaring abuse of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s are the ones that created this modern PC world. Parents making the world a little bit safer for their children using what ever tools are available. . .just like every generation before them.