I consider myself a skeptic an Atheist a practical creature with little or no foibles and fears. Was not always this way but once I took the plunge and crawled out of my Medieval closet all the lights came on; all the world became a clearer more discernible place.
That is until this morning sitting at my computer. My back is to the window so that I cannot see the mess out there consequently on bright sunny days I can see my backyard reflected on my computer screen.
For about ten minutes I kept glimpsing something moving furtively in that back yard. Finally it annoyed me so much I looked directly at it instead of just glimpsing. . .the black shiny creature kind of undulated along by the black fence and every now and then it would lift 3 or4 feet off the ground and glide the length of that fence. I felt my blood freeze as I spun around to stare into the hollow black eyes of a garbage bag.
Even when I realised what it was its movements still seemed preternatural, its course determined and its intent malevolent. Good thing the dog decided to bark at the knocking on the front door thus distracting me and luring attention.
Was it there when I came back? I did not look, Will I look? probably; but I will take the dog with me. . .just in case.