Let me say right at the outset that I do not disapprove of top executives earning a hefty paycheque. Greater responsibility does demand a higher salary of this there is no question. But 16 million for such as Carlos Ghosen is pure greed. Even more so when said Exec is arrested for alleged embezzlement.
I think even a million is too much for anyone but “What the hey” I would not complain. On the other hand perhaps I should, indeed perhaps we all should? Look to our own back yard and discover that even in sane sensible Canada Top Dogs (With additional bonuses) leach away over 80 million dollars. Ghosen’s salary now sounds like chicken feed. All this sounds a lot like the petty whinging of the peasants. If there is no criminal activity; or if prices are not inflated to support the bloodsuckers; why should we care? Go deeper into the pile and discover that, in Canada, an emergency surgeon only earns $314k per year. Now tell me that executives are worth their salaries.
What about such billionaires donating to restore old churches?