Stirring ones coffee or tea is one of the important first steps of the day; an act not given that much significance due to its apparent lack of significance. Any of us that have read, and known, the collected works of Siegfried (Sully) the Significant Wicks of Wendover will know that, for example, widdershins is the most incorrect direction in which to stir. Not only is it satanic in nature it is a deathtrap for those that mind meld with their first drink of the day. The counter clockwise motion of the fluid can lure the pliant morning mind into tumultuous eddies and turbulences of “Timey Whimey” shit. Many a good Wicks has lost his marbles to the ebb and flow of incorrectly jostled morning beverage; I point to Stephen Harper as a prime example of such a catastrophe. My Case I Rest.