It is election time in Canada and although not the scrotum swinging bullshit south of the border there are a few issues worthy of note. The not least of these being the all consuming need to KICK THE EFFING Harper TORIES OUT OF OFFICE FOREVER.
Harper’s harpies have been sucking the life out of Canada for far too long, the lies the secrecy and the old fashioned paranoid conservatism all serve to promote Canada as a backwoods nothing of a place not worthy of a seat at the inner table or worse, another state of the Good ol’ U.S. of A. Did you know that in some European countries U.S. is slang for useless. Just thought I would throw that in.
You could vote NDP they are the thought du jour riding high on the crest of the wave. Alas though waves must crash sooner or later and I would rather they did so quietly away from the international stage. What then?
As plain as the nose on Harper’s face you must vote Liberal because you know the NDP just splits the opposition. I am telling ya if the fucking Tories get back in because you rode a hysterical wave you will be held responsible for the end of Canada and its annexation by the the North Pole.
Think before you mark your ballot with a kiss you may never be able to pucker again.
Vote Liberal.