The air is filled with that palpable element of excitement as Canada Day draws near. To some it is a tilter-whirl of thrills and spills to others it is as grand as a good belch after a fine meal of Caribou sweatmeats.
But that is not what I crave to prate upon. Today I cast a withering glare at the CBC. Continually they make silly gaffes the most recent being this fine morn’. The bomb in Nigeria, so the journalist professes, was so powerful it literally tore people apart. She then went on to say that the finger of guilt continually points at blah blah blah. Don’t you think it’s inappropriate to speak of a disembodied finger after speaking of blown apart peeps? Was this accusatory digit found amongst the carnage accusing all that deserved such credit? Or is the said accusing finger a mythical piece of journalistic jiggery pokery designed to add melodrama to an already dramatic horrifying event. If it’s the later then one might suggest the journalist has seen too much violence and can only feel depth when accenting evil with glove puppets?