Hallmark moments cliche philosophy carved by wannabe saints onto chintzy glowing sites litter the internet like so many droppings in a zoo. It is the most offensive nonsense you will ever find. . .anywhere. Armchair philosophers ranting endless ill conceived mutterings like they were issued from a burning bush.
This drivel makes you wanna climb Walton’s mountain on a very wet windy and possibly dank day just to fuck John Boy Walton, the very font of homespun nonsense, in the ear. Then say, in a loud bullying voice, fuck off you saintly pillock! and while you are fucking off take all your cliche horse shit with you. Look at what you and your homespun kind have done to the world.
Now every tosser imagines they can write, even me, allowing us all to mewl and mouth saccharine nonsense passing it off as home grown, common sense wisdom.