Our government likes to evoke that old Tory myth that the nations business should be run just like our everyday households adhering to that fifties mantra If we cant afford we cannot have it. Flaherty or Mr. Reasonable said that very thing last week.
However, I digress. We all know that society is founded on credit whether that be mortgages, loans, credit cards or lines we get what we want and pay the interest for the privilege. Seems fair to me.
What our beloved obfuscating Tory skirts around is that the higher up the monied ladder one reaches the less likely one is to find that sense of household responsibility. Corporations, Nations and Banks get handed vast heaps of cash teetering on the edge of impossible numbers to imagine and to afford this (Simplistically) all they have to do is stop spending. I point to Greece, Italy, Spain, Ford, Cyprus ad infinitum. All we plebs have to do is tie a mill stone around our necks and hurl ourselves into Lake Ontario. In some countries it is now legal for governments to raid and pilfer savings accounts carving off up to 40% to appease the gods.
So yes mild mannered, reasonable sounding Tory I can see how government is run just like an every day household. Just wish I could have seen it for myself first.