Listening to the radio this afternoon I heard the inevitable news bits about the conclave and interviews of the man on the street. I have to wonder what is wrong with people and despair of religion ever fading away.
“Benedict was a kind gentle soul” That along with everyone else turned a blind eye to all the abuse of children including when it was his job to hear and deal with those complaints.
“We dont need change Catholicism has done just fine for the past 2000 years and so it will for the next regardless of all the scandals.” I find it hard to believe that the church got everything right so long ago and there has been no improvement that cannot be adopted to make things better.
“It is not the Church that is bad it is the people.” The people are the Church; without the people there would be no Church. Even if that were not so the church is responsible for those it employs and must be seen to be defending their so called flocks.