I have just spent an afternoon reading the thoughts and gems of people that do not think like me. I was told that to so do would teach me the way the creatures think. It would also save me from screaming out obscenities like “Fucking stupid morons!” every time a gun toting redneck slithered across the assorted screens in my household. In so doing I would seem a little more understanding and tolerant. You see a liberal, like me, should not, so readily, slander those that oppose me. I am a thinking man, a rational man a skeptic so willing to discover the truth that I must, at least, hear out the opposition. What better way to do that than to have an understanding of where they come from. Ergo my forray into the nether world of Conservative and Republican thinking.
Here I sit on the other side of the mudflats staring back at them and I scream out “Fucking Stupid Morons!”