Advance warning: this is just a list ergo; no explanations double ergo; you may end up as much in the dark about this splendid Wicks as you are now…a darkness littered with glowing question marks perhaps but darkness none-the-less.
Steampunk,Christopher Hitchens, Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie, Avatar, Canada, Britain, Occam, Asimov, Stonehenge, Beethoven and Meatloaf.
Sigourney Weaver, Christmas, Ayan Hirsi Ali, Boudicca, Elizabeth the first, United Nations, Every Woman, Carl Sagan, James Cameron, Astronomy, Watching Dance, all music, Rowan Atkinson and Monty Python.
Eddy Izzard, Darts, Texas Hold-Em, Wine, Rum, Beer, Tea Coffee, Days off work with pay, Notebooks, Stella Artois, Rickard’s Red, Atheism, Liberalism, History, Chess, Brigid and “She is a Thing of Beauty”
Shiny Hair, Bright Eyes, Red Lips, Great Stories, Writing, Fried Egg Sandwiches and Cheese.
Charles Darwin, Firefly. Kenzie, Ships, Spaceships, The Sea, Outer Space, The Future, Reading, Movies, The Royal Albert Hall, Symphony, Rock, Jazz, Morgan Le Fey, King Arthur, Griffin Pog and his assistant Otter Schnook as well as his friend Swoop Jackson.
Shampoo, Conditioner, Redheads, Scrapbooks, Photography, Drinking Song from “The Student Prince”, Winter, Autumn and Summer with Air Conditioning.
The Pure Emotive Magic of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony.
Knowing all these things is a start to knowing the Wicks but, as you have guessed, there is a long way to go yet.