No government has the right to be angry at its citizens; no matter the inconvenience; no government has the right to use violence (of an kind) against it’s people. A government is the servant of the people and in all cases it must listen and always serve the rule of Democracy.
(No that does not translate into compliance with whim and fancy)
The actions of the Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is in violation of that principal and has been since the very beginning of the current protests centered on Istanbul. From the onset he has striven to crush; because he is angry; this is an effrontery to his long unopposed rule and as we know history is replete with the sad egotistical thrashings of such demi-kings and gods.
Neither he nor his government can be afforded the courtesy of legitimacy while he wages this violent action against his own people. He is, in my view, no better than the assorted dictators of that region.
If you cannot find it within yourself to support the Turkish people opposed that Prime Ministers belligerence then you are no better than the bigots that seek to suppress, destroy and cover-up.
This man is not all bad; he has brought the country to new heights of prosperity. . .but all that has been lost; indeed it might just as well never have happened because stupidity drove him lash out at the people.