“A ship is more than a keel a deck and sails; those are things a ship needs. What a ship really is, what the Black Pearl really is, is freedom.”
The above is a quote from a favourite movie, almost a verbatim quote. Should be no prizes for guessing which movie. It summarizes something I have always thought would be irresistible; the ability to sail to, wherever whenever. What delicious unashamed luxury. Of course when everything was newer less tarnished by cynicism or industry, as in the above movie (17th/18th century) the thrill would been tremendous.
Alas though that cannot be today as everywhere is discovered and soiled. But. . .if someone had a space ship they could loan me? Mmm? Would that be the same thing? I wonder? Roaming the galaxy looking for just the excitement of being there before anyone else? Yes I could do that. So if you hear of anyone with a ship for sale give me a call.
I swear I was born either too late or too soon this 20th/21st century crap has been about as much fun as a Math class, past aeons or, indeed, great eras yet to come. History will look back on us and say “Look they were the true barbarians, no sense of adventure; and, they even knew better. Poor Bago how he must have suffered”
Claire Wicks
I couldn’t agree more the idea of sailing the high seas in that era sounds both wonderful and very challenging. Very much appealing to the romantic in little me