There are 318,979,564,000 possible combinations of the first four moves in chess.
Ergo the reason it takes so long for players to make their move. . .having to guess which move will surprise the other or make them think is that 318,979,564.0001?
Also 1 in ten of us live on an island. . .you would think more of us would know how to swim.
Is the glue on Israeli postage stamps Kosher? Apparently so.
Bats always turn left when exiting a cave. . .because there is a wall on the right?
For every person on Earth there are 1 million ants. Makes you wonder if we should put away that can of Raid after all? Thats why ants dont sleep then, too much freaking noise.
25% of people are vegetarians.
The average American’s vocabulary is 10,000 words. Really smart peeps own a 15,000 word vocab’. Shakespeare, an Englishman, had a collection of over 29,000 words.
Of course we all know the shortest verse in the bible (John 11: 35) is “Jesus Wept” at the end of the sappy passion play down at the local arena perhaps.
Some scientists claim that the higher ones IQ the more one will dream.
But then the average human dream lasts 2 to 3 seconds.
Did you also know that “Psycho” was the first movie in which a toilet was flushed. Cannot say as I recall; would not care if I could and would not batt an eyelid should it happen again. Still, thank reason for those forward thinking peeps that thought to flush.
The good news is that in Britain there are 50,000 pubs sharing a mere 17,000 names.
The reason why you will not find any left handed scissors in the Arctic is because all Polar Bears are, indeed, left handed, no sense in handing them an additional weapons.
While the Ursine fellows are busy mulling that one they will not be joining the humans who spend 20,160 minutes, on average, kissing in a lifetime.
and no sheet of paper of any size can be folded, in half, more than seven times.
Facetious and Abstemious are the only two English language words that contain all the vowels in alphabetical order.
Oddly enough the Alannah Myles song “Black Velvet” is about Elvis Presley. I always thought so. . .didn’t you?
What I was unsure of is the little known pearl that 1 in every 9000 people are albino.
Guy Lombardo the Canadian Band leader, in 1929, was the one that made “Auld Lang Syne” famous despite it being a poem by the Scottish poet Robbie Burns.
Not in the least bit surprisingly JC’s birthday was not celebrated on the the 25th of December until AD 440.
Then 1458 years later the Canadians issued the first Christmas stamp.
Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks, otherwise it will, Zombie like, digest itself.
Once again back in Canada it is the law in this fair land that if a debt is higher than 25 cents it is illegal to pay in pennies. Silly though this may seem, legal tender becoming illegal, Canadians have come up with some really useful ideas like: Newsprint, The Electric Range, Walkie Talkies, Standard Time, Basketball, Insulin, The Telephone, the Green Garbage Bag, Superman, Baseball Glove and Pablum. All this while freezing in the dark. Ontario, arguably, a part of Canada also boasts the smallest prison of 24.3 square Meters.
Ottawa the flagrantly beautiful capital of Canada is where you will find the Rideau Canal which is. . .wait for it. . .the worlds longest skating rink of course. Not surprising then that according to a 1996 poll only 70% of Canadians believe intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe.
The Noted Canadian James Cameron’s movie, Avatar, is the top grossing movie of all time hauling in 2.7 billion dollars. The next movie on the list was Cameron’s other hit “Titanic” Damn useful these Canadian fellows don’t ya think.
Oh yeah and the first foreigner to fly with the American space program was a Canadian Marc Garneau. . .pity he could not spell Mark.
Sorry to hark on about Canada so much but which foreign country is the only one permitted an embassy on Pennsylvania Avenue? Why yes you guessed it Canada,
Monday is an anagram of Dynamo. Always knew there was something odd about that day.
“Go” is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
Queue is the only Anglaise word that is pronounced the same with the last four letters removed.
In an attempt to protect themselves from British invasion the French constructed the walled city of Quebec. It was first built in 1695 and is the oldest walled city in North America beyond Mexico City.
Quebec City was captured by the British in 1759 pointing out that all things must come to an end, sooner or later.
Yes Niagara has frozen solid; it was in 1932 and looked better from the Canadian side. Whoops Canada again.
There you have it just another service offered by the Wicks a pile of great factoids you can take anywhere and wow your friends with.
I love you Kevvy 🙂